How Do I Chat with Other Members?
Updated over a week ago

Mighty Networks supports chat conversations with up to 9 members, Private Chat messages and All Member Chat in the main Network or Group or Course.

Start a Chat Conversation

To start a chat with one or more other members, click the chat icon in the upper right and click “+” to start a new chat, then search for the names of the members you want to add, select them, and click “Start Chat”. Once a chat has been created, you cannot add new members to it. You will need to start a new chat.


You can also start a chat with one other member by going to their profile and clicking "Chat”.



You can at mention other members by typing the "@"symbol along with their name.

at mention in private chat.png

If you mention someone not in the chat, there will be an error message shown that the member "will not be notified because they are not a member of this Chat."

If your Host has toggled off Private Chat, you will see a notification that it has been turned off.


Your Host can also allow you to turn off your individual private chat. If it’s toggled on, you will be able to see it in your Personal Settings > Chat.

Existing Chat Conversations

In the mobile apps, tap the chat icon to open your chat list, where you can access previous conversations and start new ones. On the web, click the chat icon in the upper right corner to see a list of your existing chats.


You can search for existing chat conversations from within a chat. By typing a name into the search bar, you'll see any relevant member names appear along with a text preview of the associated conversation. You can do this on both web and mobile through the chat conversation search bar at the top of the chat list.

Archiving Chat Conversations

Archiving a chat conversation will hide the conversation from your chat list. However, the chat will reappear in the list if another member adds a message to the conversation.

If you archive a chat and want to unarchive it, you can do so by recreating the conversation with the same people. Create a new chat, add the members, and when you click “Start Chat” the conversation will pick up where you left off.

If the archived conversation is with just one other person, you can also unarchive it by navigating to their profile and clicking “Chat.”

To learn about blocking and muting in a chat conversation, check out the article "Can Members of My Mighty Network Block and Mute each other from Chats?"

Modifying How Private Chat Messages Are Sent

You have the flexibility to choose how you'd like your private chat messages to send - press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard or click a designated 'Send' button.

Here's how you can make this adjustment:

  1. Click the chat icon in the upper right corner of your profile.

  2. Click the three-dot icon.

  3. Toggle on or off 'Show Send Button':


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