How Do I Manage My Network Settings?
Updated over a week ago

As a Network Host, you have access to Network Settings where you can access everything administratively about your Network. The features that you have access to will be dependent on what plan you're on (Community, Courses, Business, etc...). Check out our pricing page to see a side-by-side comparison.

To access your Network Settings, click on your profile photo in the upper right corner of your Mighty Network.

profile 1.png
Network settings 1.png

General is where you can edit things like:

Navigation manages all the features you see in your left-hand navigation including:

Members is where you can see:

Plans and Payments is where you can:

Premium Features is where you enable and manage:

Integrations is where you can set up integrations with:

Mighty Co-Host is our suite of AI features that help you and your members with content creation, profile assistance, course outlines, and more.

Mighty Insights™ (Courses Plan and up) is the place to go for all analytics on things like members, livestreams, messages, plans, and income details for your Network and individual Spaces.

Your Plan is where you see what plan you are on, easily upgrade and downgrade, and see how much storage you have left in your Mighty Network.

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