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How Do Payments Work on Mighty Networks?
What Happens When a Member Cancels Their Plan?
What Happens When a Member Cancels Their Plan?
Updated over a week ago

Members can cancel their subscriptions by logging in on a desktop and going to Personal Settings > Plans and Purchases > Cancel Subscription.

If they purchased the Plan on iOS, they’ll find the option to unsubscribe within the iOS app.

They can cancel iOS purchases by following these steps:

1. Go to settings > [Your Name] > Media & Purchases.
2. Choose "View Account"
3. Scroll down to "Subscriptions."
4. Find your Mighty Networks subscription
5. Click on subscription and cancel

If they want to cancel their subscription on a mobile device, they will need to navigate to a mobile web browser and go to Profile > Your Purchases > Active Subscriptions > Cancel Subscription.

When a member cancels their subscription you, as a Network Host, will receive an email notification. The notification will be sent the week the canceled subscription is scheduled to end. If there are multiple subscriptions ending, then you will receive an email with all the subscriptions that are ending soon.

The button to View Member or View Members will lead you to the profiles for the members so you can send them a direct message to learn more about why they are canceling their subscription.

If a member’s payment lapses and their subscription is canceled, you will not receive a notification.To learn more about what happens when a member’s payment is past due, check out the article “What Happens When Members of My Mighty Network are Past Due on their Payments?

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